Family Violence Services
Our goal is to address immediate safety concerns and work towards self-sufficiency and healing
According to The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of domestic violence. On average, 20 people per minute are victims of intimate partner violence.
Met Council is a leader in addressing the needs of these survivors in NYC. The family violence program offers a trauma-informed approach to helping these individuals with a variety of services that help promote safety, supportive healing and a road toward self sufficiency. We work with all New Yorkers no matter of race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation and have a specialty in working with the Jewish and immigrant communities.
Met Council offers services to survivors of intimate partner violence including:
Safety planning
Case management
Individual supportive counseling
Emergency financial assistance
Information and referral
Legal advocacy
Benefits screening and enrollment
Emergency food pantry.
Met Council’s Work with the City of New York
Met Council collaborates with the Mayor’s Office of Domestic Violence Family Justice Centers in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. These centers are one-stop-shops where victims can walk in, meet with a DA, obtain an Order of Protection from the NYPD, receive counseling from a social worker, and access additional services — all while having free childcare.
Though we receive referrals involving clients of diverse backgrounds, Met Council is proud that the City refers all domestic violence cases involving members of the Jewish community to our case workers.