Benefits Access

Our goal is to help clients gain access to public benefits through education and assistance

About our work and SNAP

Through our partnership with the New York City Human Resources Administration and community-based organizations, Met Council has fostered a network to help New Yorkers gain efficient access to public benefits. We provide individualized client assistance at nearly 20 different locations throughout New York City to help households access SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps).

As the first line of defense against hunger, SNAP benefits are critical to our communities. The federal SNAP program provides 10 times more food than food banks can, keeping families from cyclical hunger and poverty.

In 2014, SNAP kept over 8 million people out of poverty, including 4 million children. By helping families buy food and freeing up resources for other basic needs, SNAP helps reduce food insecurity and other hardships such as trouble paying bills or rent. (Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)

Through Met Council’s long-standing partnership with the Robin Hood Foundation, we are part of the “Start By Asking” campaign to help eligible New Yorkers gain access to benefits.

Find out if you are eligible for benefits online:

need help?

Call 212.453.9532 or email